Star Group on Monday beat competition from Multi Screen Media (Sony) to bag six-year broadcast and digital rights of India's international cricket matches at home and domestic events like Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy and the Irani Trophy. Star, in collaboration with ESPNCricinfo, bagged the broadcast, internet and mobile rights in India for a period of six years starting from July 2012 till March 2018. The Rupert Murdoch-owned company's six-year contract is valued at Rs3,851 crore and will cover 96 matches in all. It would be coughing up Rs40 crore per match on an average much higher than the Rs32.5 crore per match that Nimbus was paying the BCCI before its contract was terminated last year due to default in payments. Star and Multi Screen Media (Sony) were the only two companies to make the bids but a total of five had filed the tenders. For more info log on to: