The end of the New Year festivities in Japan are often marked with the "Donodoyaki" festival - where people gather and burn last years charms and decorations. It's also an excuse to huddle round a big fire on a cold day, and drink sake, toast omochi (the little round rice balls on sticks in the video) and generally have a chat and a giggle. In Yadorigi, there were many small bonfires spread all over the village. I was very fortunate that Tanakasan offered to drive me around so I could see what they were all like. In the end we settled at one near a shrine, not far from Jin-sans house. In fact, Jin-sans' wife makes a brief appearance at 1:55, carrying a bamboo branch laden with omochi. She's a real bubbly character with a witty, self depreciating sense of humour - worth a film of her own... for more information on "Yadorigi: A Village in Portraits" please visit the facebook page: Music is "Hilli" by Amiina. Please check out their music on itunes o! r buy one of their superb albums. Equipment used: Konova slider, Canon Kissx4, Canon 70-200 f2.8 II, Canon 24-105 f4, Tokina 11-16